Monday, April 23

Tough times are God's way of teaching 'us' lessons of life
Good times are God's own secret way of testing us whether 'we' remember our lessons
There is a simple saying in Hindi which means - a fully laden tree is humble because it bends forward, whereas a barren tree stands erect in pride.


DINTOONS said...

so very true!
and sometimes we need friends to remind us of such eternal truths...
thanx zzz-writer!! :o)

Himavan said...

I feel 'Tough' times are THE 'Good' times!!

Does that sound rational?? (:)))

Didn't quite understand the saying though!! But I feel 'situation' is also important. When to be humble and when to be in pride...Just my say!!

mystic rose said...

and the times will always pass... tough or good..