Tuesday, April 10


this is an overlap from free spirit but i wish to share it here

confusions rule the world of words. because words are to be interpretted to make meanings. if i say A, someone else may assume it to be Z. if i say it indirectly, it can be misunderstood. if i say it for X, Y thinks it is for him. it is the tragedy of language.how i wish, we were just blessed with the faculty of feeling the right - intended meaning. it takes a lot of courage to keep trust and faith when all the words (seem to) point otherwise.
other person should be given the benefit of doubt to a reasonable degree. why not hold opinions for a while and let things fall in place - bigger picture?


Rose said...

The picture is, whether its really worth it...


zzz-writer said...

sometimes it is.

jac said...

beneit of doubt ??

sonal said...

tht's rite..as both of us have experienced it together first hand!!

Himavan said...

I go with 'rose' here!!

I also want to add, if not 'misunderstandings' how do one know the beauty of understanding??