Saturday, July 8

this is from a friends chapter of life...

he had been obsessed with her, so much so that sometimes he scared her to death. she had made it clear beyond doubt that his moves were unwelcomed, and tried to ignore him. she never gossiped to the world about all that, because she believed it to be improper to derieve frivolous fun at somebody else's cost.
as things unfolded, she met another aquaintance, who wanted to know if these two were 'together'? since they never were, she told this girl that it was not the case and that she had never been interested and had shunned all his efforts from day one.
after few years, i ran into this second girl, who was now him!! it struck me then why she had been so keen on knowing the story from the horse's mouth (my friend).
this girl was furious with my friend and happened to direct all her stocked up venom at me (because i was her friend) and told me that her husband had 'told her the truth'. she knew now that it was she(my friend) who had been pursuing him hot and detailed all 'unsuccessful' attempts made by her at enticing him!!!!!
i kept quiet and she went on to add that 'she knew that was the truth, because she trusted her husband completely'

her fury, the surprise of getting to know that she ended up marrying this guy, and the overall suddeness of the situation and the fact that all this had no particular relevance in terms of my personal memory....drained me completely. and as i began to co -relate all the loose ends of the whole story...the futility of putting up the records straight...struck me.

the reality of the present moment was that-- my friend had forgotten about the episode, was in a fullfilling long term relationship, this girl was now married to him, had her life in front of even if she believed a completely false story to be true...she was better off than knowing the truth. i mean who was going to gain what from the truth?? certainly not this woman who was obviously so much in love with her husband.

in the end once this lady was through with whatever she wanted to vent out..she waited for me to may be to defend my friend's case. but i simply told her that i was glad that she was marreid and wished her luck, and told her to believe what she wanted to believe because what was important wasthat she should start her relationship with him on trust and faith.


zzz-writer said...

ps: kindly ignore the grammatical errors etc... electricity is such a scarce resource here that i am greatful that iwas able to finish this one

Anonymous said...

i think you handled it well. deep inside, we all know the truth about the people we are involved with, but it is sort of to our own benefit, to keep pretending. its easier than facing the truth, because then we might have to see the same reflected within us.

hmmmm....your post reminds me of soemthing that i figured out a long while ago... perhaps i will blog on that next time.

zzz-writer said...

i dont no if it was particularly about handling it well...i mean there was a lot which this lady needed to no(about him). but then, i actually realized that this guy was not some stupid gud 4 nothing sortta guy(he was an ias officer), helplessly in love with my friend and did stuff which a man in lov e would do to pursue his girl...but as things did not/were not to work out b/w them.
wat i felt was(in my opinion) he cud have done without bitching about my friend..i mean wat sort of love was that in the first place?
secondly, about this lady, it is quite possible that she may have really nagged him on the issue/hurt his pride...that forced him to make up a false story in front of a person he is now destined to live his life with.
so, all that+ the fact that i knew i had very slim chances of convincing this lady...all made me say/or not say anything.

zzz-writer said...
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Anonymous said...

see at first i felt that you could have said something in favour of you friend( u know why)but what u did was right. i know u very well and i also know that u will never hurt anybody 'knowingly'. so, what u did was right but i am surprised u still remember this event considering the FACT that u have such a short memory.

zzz-writer said...

my condition is called 'selective amnesia'
anyway, i did'nt really catch ur point?
hurting someone knowingly?? are you saying that i hurt somebody in all this??unknowingly?
secondly why i wrote this has a different triggred from something that i recently read.

zzz-writer said...

besides as i remember it, while that thing was going on, all my mind cud focus on was...wat's the point behind all this now? i mean howz it relevant to me and my friend now?
and yes this incident occurred almost 2 yrs back and i cud still remeber it vividly..its all about focus...ha ha ha.