Monday, April 10


i have felt many times that monday is like the best day to procrastinate things\ tasks upon.... "i shall do it on monday"- this is my best and the most commonly abused excuse..... ask rajinder!!! i would arrive all pepped up and enthu..and rajinder would invariably be missing\ running late\kidnapped\not to be found\struck by temporary amnesia....(any or all of them).
khair things are different now....navneet moved out rajinder moved up...kal ka raju became shri rajeev!! so THINGS ARE DIFFERENT
however one good thing is that despite all the odds most of the times i did accomplish things on a monday.
monday - my sweet day of accomplishments!!


born_in_the_woods said...

Correct. Monday is the most bakwaaaaaaas day of all. I wish there was only saturday and sunday. hehe.

zzz-writer said...

infact monday iz a good day to make changes, to rectify mistakes, to live up to promises made to self and so on and so forth. its a begining of a new begining!
i have been bugged by a self help syndrome!!!!
god save those who know me!!!

born_in_the_woods said...

I know you .. so
God: F1 F1 F1
F1 is help.